Select any day for booking: 6-month memberships are valid from the date you choose to sign on.
Track your progress, learn to read the surf, advance your skill set, build your terminology. Develop sustainable habits & create your dream surf lifestyle...
Benefits: 20% off lessons plus your right of access to a $10.00 @surf4health diary. To order please make a personal request. Learning is tailored and designed to suit everyone: adults, parents, children, youth, university students and busy full-time workers. Helpful criteria included for softboards, shortboarding, longboarding and bodyboarding.
This is how you can save 20% on lessons. @surf4health development is a progressive surfing membership designed by coaches from North Caloundra Surf School to help you through your training.
@surf4health is a fun and adaptable surfing membership that includes ongoing education from professional coaches. Students sign on to partake in long term, self paced learning with either group and/or independent study options.
The @ surf4health diary is a guide that is designed to be used for your own independent learning at home or at any surf school, beach or training facility. The @surf4health diary allows students to track their progress while learning to read the surf to build their skill sets (beginner to advanced). Learn surfing with structured education, ongoing support and training through one of Australias best surf schools.
This is a limited special members only curriculum. To get the book please make a personal request. @surf4health diary price $10.00 - the benefits of this book is to guide you through your training, making it easier to show your coaches your progress.
For more information please contact:
Russell Hoffman 0411221730 or Bonnie Greig 0421279274
Remember, if we aren’t there to coach you, we can’t help you. Never surf alone or without guidance or supervision of someone who’s ocean reading ability (and ability to help you if you need it) you can trust. @surf4health diary is merely a guide and is only to be used as an adjunct. Full medical clearance from a licensed physician should be obtained before beginning or modifying any health, exercise or lifestyle program, and physicians should be informed of all changes.
Only $40.00 for 6 months (no refunds & no transfers).